The world is changing and so should the development sector! What kind of aid is needed in relation to the Middle East Conflict? How do migration flows from this region demand a different approach from aid organizations?
This evening we will discuss the differences between emergency aid and development aid, and see how the current situation in the MENA region asks for a critical approach. In addition, we will look at how the Netherlands copes with migration flows and discuss two different refugee centers: COA and HOOST.

First, Sofie van Der Maarel will outline the difference between development aid and emergency aid. After having conducted a research on the worldwide responses to refugee flows at Oxfam Novib, she now has a clear view on aid responses in the MENA region that she will share with us.

Second, with Vince de Jong and Younes You, we will have a discussion about aid responses in the Netherlands. Focusing on two case studies in the Netherlands, HOOST and COA, we will gain insights in what immigrant flows from the MENA region demand. Where COA (Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers) is more centrally structured, HOOST Amsterdam is small and dependent on volunteers. What do these different approaches accomplish? What are the pro’s and con’s?

Together we will try to come to new insights in regard to aid responses to the Middle East Conflict and study two cases in the Netherlands. What kind of aid should organizations focus on in order to be effective?

What? – Discussion night about responses to immigrant flows in and from the MENA region
When? – April 25, doors open 18:45, starts at 19:00
Where? – Academie Gebouw Utrecht, Senaatzaal
Tickets – The event is FREE. However, we ask you to inscribe via the link

18:45-19:00 – Walk-in
19:00-19:10 – AFD Utrecht Welcome: AFD & Global South focus
19:10- 19:30 – Sofie van de Maarel: Introduction Emergency and Development Aid in relation to the Middle East
19:30 – 20:30 Together with Sofie, Vince and Younes we will have a critical exchange of thoughts about responses to immigrant flows